domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Hurricane Gustav - News 31 august 2008

by LesPaul Corvette:

My name is Olaffsön. I'm a Swedish captain of a sailboard - ketch 45' - and working with tourists ten years ago in Caribbean sea. Last night I received a message from Captain Morgan with a letter in portuguese saying the words that only copied letter by letter, because I do not understand anything. Who wrote this is one of LesPaul Corvette, a seaman crazy and illegal that Morgan has on board his boat: Apparently, LesPaul account on the passage of Hurricane Gustav on Cayman and are already at sea sailing in the tail of Hurricane loaded havanas, rum and injuries throughout the body. Speech that is listening very Hendrix & The Who."Photo: Claudia Daut/Reuters - from Los Palacios, Cuba 31 08 08. LesPaul he said:

"The winds reached + of 230 km / h when passed a little north of where we were anchored. The scene of devastation impresses the most skceptical creature of God. The forces of nature seem alive send a message to men who still can not hear and repeat the path of Hurricane Denis (04 - 13th July 2005) and strength terror & most pavor of Katrina (23 - 30th August , 2005). The man has not learned and is increasingly more difficult to navigate any of ways: land, sea or air . I see you later, in some lanhouse lost in my path. LesPaul Corvette: the first traveler Virtual city tour of real disasters, the hunter's best underground music and arts around the world. "

Disse LesPaul: "Os ventos chegaram a + de 230 km/h quando passaram um pouco ao norte de onde estávamos ancorados. O cenário de devastação impressiona a mais cética criatura de Deus. As forças da natureza viva parecem mandar um recado para os homens que mesmo assim não ouvem e repete o trajeto do Hurricane Denis(04/13 July 2005) e a força apavorante do Katrina (23/30 ago 2005). O homem não aprendeu e cada vez fica mais dificil navegar em qualquer dos caminhos: terra, mar ou ar. Eu vejo voces depois, de alguma lanhouse perdida em meu trajeto. LesPaul Corvette: o primeiro viajante virtual nos desastres reais, caçador do melhor das artes e músicas do underground around the world"

BBC NEWS - last updated at 00:35 GMT, Sunday, 31 August 2008 01:35 UK: Deadly hurricane roars into Cuba: Gustav has already claimed the lives of more than 80 people in the Caribbean. It has swept through Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica over the past week, killing dozens of people and causing widespread damage. As a Category 4 storm, Gustav is already stronger than Hurricane Katrina was when it hit New Orleans in 2005, killing some 1,800 people and causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. Gustav já custou a vida de mais de 80 pessoas nas Caraíbas. Ele vareu o Haiti, República Dominicana e Jamaica ao longo da semana passada, matando dezenas de pessoas e causando danos generalizados. Tal como uma tempestade categoria 4, Gustav já está mais forte do que o furacão Katrina quando atingiu Nova Orleans em 2005, matando cerca 1800 pessoas e causando centenas de milhares de milhões de dólares em danos.

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