sexta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2008


MONSTER at the NEW YORK BEACH, na estrada de Montauk no caminho para os Hamptons - New York's ritzy resort area a-twitter over strange beast on beach.??? Sex in the city... Aberrratio (leia aberraCio..) sei lá ... que coisa mais estranha o ET de varginha americano. Nem em Copacabana bacana... Isso é que dá comer queijo de qualho com orégano de procedência estranha e comprar picolé feito com água de fonte desconhecida. That type of nature has this animal? Of that substance and energy half hen, way dog, way are made this phenomenon monster? Somebody knows the mother or the father of the creature? Destruction is fucking of planet. Our fucking world destruction… BUT...We've received a lot of different theories about what exactly the Montauk Monster really is (a monster). But one tipster went to so much trouble to assemble a very interesting montage of photos—complete with key encircled highlight areas—that we feel we must bring you their work. "All in all I believe this is no 'monster' or 'Satan' simply a case of mistaken identity," the tipster writes. The monster is not Satan? Ridiculous, we know. But when you get a load of the included X-ray, well, it certainly gives the misguided nonbelievers something to think about. Click through for the full (and colorful!) photo presentation in favor of what we are now calling "The Vole Theory" (

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