quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2008

Body Paint & Tatoo

BOBAGENS AMERICANÓIDES COMO PRETEXTO PARA A BELÍSSIMA FOTO DAS BODY-CAPAS DO PINK FLOYD. If you’re stuck on thinking of unique Halloween costume ideas, what about ditching the outfit altogether and donning body paint instead? (Provided you don’t live somewhere cold.) Some people might consider body paint a bit naughty, but it’s not necessarily always so. And it would get major props for being a unique Halloween costume idea. ... Earlier this year we featured a cluster of 15 body paint innovations... Not only that but top Trend Hunter Alex Covert pointed out bodypaint could make for some very interesting Halloween costume ideas. (VEJA + EM : http://www.trendhunter.com/slideshow/cool-body-paint)

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